2024 World Cross Country Championships Race Recap

The long-awaited event that went by in the blink of any eye! This trip was my third World XC Championships and so I felt like somewhat of a seasoned veteran heading into the final race prep phase and travel days. National team trips are always well organized and our Team Canada support crew ensures that […]
Caught up in comparisons?

5 tips to break the cycle Have you recently found yourself unmotivated, unsatisfied and perhaps unsure of next steps? Yeah, me too … For about three weeks following our trip to Australia, I was in a funk. I couldn’t concentrate on work and every run felt like a chore – it was a struggle to […]
Week two in Australia!

Apologies for the delay of this update. Cody and I have been driving quite a bit, away from good Internet (or any Internet) and soaking up as much sun as possible! We started the week of February 13th driving to the race location, Bathurst. It was about an eight-hour drive from Melbourne and we spread […]
Week one in Australia!

Cody and I landed in Sydney just short of a week ago and we have slowly been adjusting to Australia. We had a long drive from Sydney to Melbourne (~13 hours), which was super tough after travelling for about 25 hours from Victoria. We covered a lot of ground and in this time were able […]
5 ways to start the year on the “right” foot

Harness holiday recovery to accel into 2023 We always have a countdown for the break from work and regular commitments between Christmas and New Year. It’s a time to get together with friends and loved ones, eat lots of yummy food and forget what day of the week it is. The holidays are always a […]
5 powerful takeaways from 2022

Each year offers opportunities to learn and grow It’s crazy to think that we’ll soon be flipping our calendars to a new year in a couple short weeks. 2022 certainly had its moments of relief and uncertainty. Some aspects of our lives returned to some semblance of normalcy (thank goodness!), but many local and global […]